History of Piano to Pray With

        Piano to Pray With by Austin Biel is the first recording in the Piano Series released by Jubal Productions.  It is an hour of extemporaneous, meditative piano recorded while prayers were sounding through Austin's headphones.  This unique recording captures the essence of changing emotions during one's own time with God in prayer.

        The project was actually recorded twice.  The first recording did not reflect an atmosphere of meditative, quiet prayer time but was more reminiscent of the jazz literature that Austin has played professionally with various groups for the last 13 years.  After much prayer and consultation with his friend Alan Dossett, Austin invited prayer partners to the recording studio to pray with him, and to pray during the recording in a separate room that is usually used as a drum recording booth.  The prayers were picked up by microphones and sent to Austin's headphones without being heard on the recording.  This time the recording was a success.  It captured the essence of changing emotions that occur during one's own time in prayer.  It is also a testimony of what the Holy Spirit can do when we seek His counsel through prayer and share with other believers what is going on in our lives.

        Once the recording was complete, Austin needed funding to duplicate it and help in distributing it to the public.  Jubal Productions, having recently hired Austin to work on a different project, became interested in the Piano to Pray With recording because of how it uniquely expresses the ministering heart of a prophetic instrumentalist.  Jubal sees a parallel between Austin's ministry through instrumental music and the ministry of David who, before he was king, played his harp for King Saul.  The music soothed the king, and the tormenting spirit departed.  (I Samuel 16:23)

        It is our prayer that all of you who listen to this recording will be brought into a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and will experience an intimate communion with the Holy Spirit in prayer.  May you hear the voice of the Lord and experience His counsel, joy, and peace in your life.